Bologna is known for its food, its porticoes and its towers. At one point in history, many have said that there were up to 180 towers in Bologna although more recent studies now suggest that the number is closer to 80 - 100 towers.
Click here to see a panoramic picture of Bologna in the 11th century. Less than 20 towers remain today.
The two famous towers in Bologna are the Garisenda Tower and the Asinelli Tower. It is pretty difficult to get both towers from top to bottom in one picture. I took this picture on my walk over to the towers from the main piazza in Bologna
Both of the towers are leaning towers. The Garisenda Tower is shorter, leans more, and is not available for climbing. It is the tower pictured above on the left. The Asinelli Tower is the taller of the two towers, the tower I climbed, and the tower pictured on the right. I have read that there are 498 steps to the top. I lost count on my way up. It definitely was a challenging tower to climb.
More pictures of the Two Towers.
It certainly looks like a long way up!!
Will these stairs ever end??
A view partway up out a tiny window.
Stunning views from the top.
Looking down at the Garisenda Tower.
What goes up must go down.
A picture hung in the entrance way of the Asinelli Tower displaying many of the tallest towers in Italy. For a larger view of this picture, click on it.
Pisa, Pompona, Modena, and Verona are still left on my list of towers to climb. Where the heck is Pompona? AND, how did I miss climbing the tower in Verona or perhaps I have and just don't remember it? Another reason to return I guess. Perhaps my next trip should be a "tower climbing" trip? I could arrange my entire itinerary around towers to climb.
One of my most challenging towers I have climbed was the tower in Cremona, not only because of the height and the number of steps, but because it was thundering and lightening outside. I climbed this tower with Katia and Guido. Katia climbed about three fourths of the way up but would not go all the way to the top. This was a wonderful accomplishment for her as she is afraid of heights. Most years when I visit, I drag her along to climb something. As for me, my two big fears are barking mean dogs and thunder & lightening. I am proud to say that I made it to the top.
And back to this climb...
My reward after my climb!
Here is more information on the Two Towers in Bologna.
Bologna is a fabulous city! It is tops on my list of places to spend more time in during my next trip to Italy.